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I've had my 72 Gal Bow-front for two years now and I keep every wall clean, I see in a lot of pictures from advanced reef keepers that their back wall are covered with (algae or some kind of mushroom coral I'm guessing).
Am I supposed to let stuff grow on that wall or should I continue cleaning it?
The question arises from an Idea of placing a thin mirror on the back wall so it gives the illusion of the tank going through the wall and seeing the corals + fish that hide in the back.

This would be used for my new 90 Gal. tank.

Thanks to all for viewing and expressing your opinions.


Advanced Reefer
Flushing, NY
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I've had my 72 Gal Bow-front for two years now and I keep every wall clean, I see in a lot of pictures from advanced reef keepers that their back wall are covered with (algae or some kind of mushroom coral I'm guessing).
Am I supposed to let stuff grow on that wall or should I continue cleaning it?
The question arises from an Idea of placing a thin mirror on the back wall so it gives the illusion of the tank going through the wall and seeing the corals + fish that hide in the back.

This would be used for my new 90 Gal. tank.

Thanks to all for viewing and expressing your opinions.

Some people like to keep EVERYTHING clean. Some people like the look of coralline algae (which is what you are seeing on the other reef tanks) growing on the back wall. I keep the front and side glass clean. I try to scrape as much of the coralline off as possible. I don't waste the time on the back wall ... but that's just me (and a lot of other reefers :) ).

Personally, I have never used a mirror on the back of the tank ... only thing I could see is the fish attacking their own reflection. :)
bellport ny
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The stuff you see on the back wall of other reefers tanks is called coralline alge. It has many different colors. Purple, Red, Orange, Pink, even Green. I guess it's up to you on if you clean the back wall or not. Personally I think if you can get the Coralline alge to cover the back wall it makes the tank look better the purple color of the alge really pops under the right lighting!!!! All in all Coralline Alge is a good alge to have!


Advanced Reefer
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"All in all Coralline Algae is a good algae to have!"
Great, that's what I actually was looking for, I forgot to ask if it would benefit the ecosystem of the tank.
DCG- I did think of the possibility of the fish being stressed due to their own reflection.
Thanks guys.


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The back and sides of tanks can be over grown with Xenias,GSP,Algae and SPS etc.When it comes to purple coraline algae, it is a good indicator that there is a significant amout of Calcium present ,clean water or not. I clean the front only to prevent unecessary scraches to the tank.


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Coraline Algae

A pic taken of the back glass in my tank.
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Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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I've had my 72 Gal Bow-front for two years now and I keep every wall clean, I see in a lot of pictures from advanced reef keepers that their back wall are covered with (algae or some kind of mushroom coral I'm guessing).
Am I supposed to let stuff grow on that wall or should I continue cleaning it?

If you like the look of a coralline-encrusted back, let it grow -- or clean it, whatever you want. The good thing about an algae-covered back wall is that it provides food and a sink against any sudden nitrogenous-compound spikes. The bad thing is, well, a lot of people just don't like it.

As for a mirror -- don't do it. Your fish hide to hide, and a mirror could add stress, because your fish will constantly come into close proximity of other conspecific fish -- their reflection.


Old School Reefer
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Not really. It means your Ca/CO3/Mg levels are good; coralline, like most other algae, likes nitrates and such, and grows better with more, within reason.

It's also a matter of appearance. I like the coralline algae. Most of mine is purple, but I have some really beautiful red coralline growing on my rockwork. None of the red on the back wall, but on the rocks it grows in sheets. Looks really beautiful IMO.


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