Hey everyone i was wondering if there is a way to get my tds to a 0? the water comming in is about 162 and my output is about 6 its a 5 stage ro/di unit. its a aquafx mako
Ameter, re you using a in line TDS meter or a hand held? I know with the hand held when you put water to be tested in glass, the glass must be squeaky clean. Use a new glass, one without any type of deposits on it. Wash very well and dry with papertowels. Then put source water in glass and test. I have no experience with in line type meters.
garage does not matter. I know I had same problem until I tested with clean glass. It's frustrating. Try find AZdesert Rat tomorrow. He's also on The Reef Tank site. Good luck!
Ok so i figured it out. the company that made the ro unit had the tds after the membrane but before the carbon, so i put a ball valve in its place and took the tds and put it right after it goes in the bucket after the carbon and sure enough 0tds >)
There you go. I knew you would get 0. I see you are on LI, are you already a member of LIRA? Great group of guys and girls, meetings held monthly in Hauppauge. Also, NERAC is March 20 at Atlantis and is well worth the price of admission.
wait, you have the ro membrane before the carbon filters? that's backwards. water should pass through sediment filters and carbon filters before the ro membrane. DI should be last in the chain and the TDS meter should be after the DI.