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I have my 120 up and running for about 5 years now it currently has

5 fish in it

Bicolor Pseudochromis (Bully of the tank would get rid of it if I could catch it)

Maroon Clown

Algae Blenny

Diamond Goby

and a coral beauty

I want to add a Maroon clown you think it will fight with the Tomato


renegade reefer
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not true i had maroon clown and a tomato in my 65g and they did good untill a near crash that kill the maroon my tank hit 91degree in the summer i did add the clowns togetehr tho i dont know how it would work with ur tank cause u already have one of the clown but every fish is different so u never know ..and right now i have two 3" black and whites saddle back clowns and a 4.5 inches tomato in the same tank no problems u have to try u never know


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depends on the fish itself, NO ONE here can tell you anything, like I mention before in previous posts, luck is a factor.


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flushing queens
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depends on the fish itself, NO ONE here can tell you anything, like I mention before in previous posts, luck is a factor.
+ 1 i have try so many time on having 2-4 pair of clown in my 180 no luck at all till all of them die do to my damn heater anyway if u gonna try your best bet is to put them in at the same time if u already have a pair in the tank then i wouldnt add another pair since the pair u have in the tank already will kill the newbie


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I have 1 Tomato looking to add a Maroon Tomato been in the tank for about 2 years now I am going to try and find a maroon that is the same size or bigger.

Problem is in my tank the smallest of fish is a bully had him for almost 10 years now and it pecks at every fish until they disappear unless they are also aggressive and fight back. It pecked at the tomato for 4 days then the Tomato chased it around for the next 3 days lol now they are fine together. I always wonder what i would have heard if fish could talk lol.

" Alright enough already I'm 3 times your size you little **** I'm gonna kill you" LOL

I'm gonna give it a shot. If the fighting is bad the LFS said they would take him back.


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Once you have a clown established in a tank for a long time and then you add a new one ..........odds are the new one will get shredded.
i have seen it many times
if anything add a new clown that is smaller,definitely not the same size.
The tomato will be way more threatened by another clown of equal size then a smaller one.


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I am facing the same problem, I have two percs that have been together for over a year. I want to add a Black and white and a naked together in my tank but am weary that my female will kill them. I am looking to upgrade my tank soon and was thinking to add all of them together to the new larger tank. Thoughts on if this idea may work?

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