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Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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Finally about to do my sand swap. (ugly black to nice clean bahama oolalalata) lol

I bought 40lbs, instead of just 20 (24gallon Aquapod) for possibly a jawfish

Now... what fishies should I get in there? (Once its done re-cycling of course)

I was thinking..

Yellowhead Pearly Jawfish
Royal Gramma Basslet

*Maroon yellow stripe clown (Wanted to know if its not going to be too aggressive or big to keep in the 24g.. if it is then just some ocelaris or perculas or a saddle clown)

And thats about where I stand..

Any other ideas? Suggestions? :scratch:

Thanks in advance! :scratch:



Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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the clown is a hit or miss. its all going to depend on what else you put in. i have a 29g bio cube with a mated pair of true per clowns, mandarin, yasha haze goby, hellfrenchi firefish, and a blue spot jawfish. they are all great because none of them are even close to aggressive. thr gramma is a great choice, and the jaw is good, hit or miss every now and then. make sure its a good healthy one. i had two and they did not make it. then i waited a year got the blue spot and its good now. i still today have the black sand. i like it seeing black stand, black background, black canopy light top and black sand. suggestions for me would be what light do you have, pc's on it? i like my setup on lights. i am running the new 420 actinic coralife bulb (nice deep purple look) and the new 50/50 420 actinic and 10k. i took out the leds and got from topbright ebay seller 2- 1 watt Blue Actinic LED and 1- 1 watt Bright White LED. looks stunning and my corals are multiplying like loose cats on the street. when its set up lets see some pics! good luck

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