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one frag at a time
New york
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1.you might have a mantis shrimp and it hit the back causing it to crack.
2.your rocks tumbled,hit the back and cracked it
3. jonny roks snuck into ur house after you threatned him, lol
New York
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I would put my money on a rock that may have tumbled over and hit the glass. Hopefully whatever seahorses,sharks,Whales and any other living creatures in the tank survive the crash...

LOL @ Line 3.
Even though Inneed pretty much threatened to poison my tank i forgive him for being uneducated and don't wish anything bad on him.


MR's Greatest Member
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Was your tank properly leveled? After some time you can get stress cracks, If it was an all in one nano, I have heard a few stories of them cracking. A rock shouldn't be able to fall hard enough to crack the glass but it is possible. Good luck though.


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I would love to but I would also love for you to elaborate on the problem. Where was the leak? How big was it? How did you correct the problem? What was the cause? Are there any pictures?

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