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Hey all My name is Willie and i'm new to this forum... I've had my tank up and running for about 2 1/2 years. spent alot of money on fish!! Lol. I have a 55g fish only tank with about 100 pounds of rock 60 punds of live sand. i'm running a pro clear 125 model wet n dry with a skimmer and uv. in my tank i have 3 chromis,1 damsel,1 vlamingi tang,1 scopas tang,1 hippo tang,1 morish idol,1 powder brown,1 tomimi tang,1 kole tang,1 emperator angel,1magestic angel,1 saddleback clown,1perculia clown,1 algea blenny,1 sand star about 10 crabs,7 turbo snails.... i'm in the process of setting up a new 175g oceanic bowfront with the stainless steel and black glass stand and canopy. but i need a wet n dry...and some advice of what kind of filtration i should use. im not gonna do corals cause im not ready for that cause ive heard many diff things about it. im open to any kind of advice. Thanks for taking time out to read this post.


one frag at a time
New york
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Thank goodness you are upgrading to a 175, cuz a 55 is tiny for all those fish. And even so a 175 is small for 16fish, especially since almost all the fish you mentioned get VERY BIG.
BUTyou asked not question not for opinions, so with that said
I would go with a sump, live rock and a skimmer.

(consider a bigger tank or less fish) just the description of your tank, sounds crowded
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I know... a 175 would run a whole lot better!! I dont plan on putting alot more live rock in the new tank so it shouldnt feel crowded. I like to keep alot of fish in my tank.. i plan on getting at least 10 more.. hopefully it would do great!


one frag at a time
New york
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Hold on lemme get this straight.... you have 3 chromis,1 damsel,1 vlamingi tang,1 scopas tang,1 hippo tang,1 morish idol,1 powder brown,1 tomimi tang,1 kole tang,1 emperator angel,1magestic angel,1 saddleback clown,1perculia clown,1 algea blenny
emperor angels need a minimum of 100gals, same for majestics
all tangs need at least 75gals minimum and you have 6 of them.
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LoL Positivo mi hermano!!my magestic angel is an adult and he's only 4" LoL.. i was told that he shouldnt grow more than that.. But i have the feeling that he's gonna grow! I just cant have an empty tank!! i like to see my tank full of life!!..


Advanced Reefer
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You seem to be able to get away with things. So many fish in such a small tank. And now a thread that doesn't belong in the for sale forum and it is still here.
Anyway, welcome and good luck. And as someone once told me; you can keep a person alive in a closet but it won't make a happy person.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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Hey all My name is Willie and i'm new to this forum... I've had my tank up and running for about 2 1/2 years. spent alot of money on fish!! Lol. I have a 55g fish only tank with about 100 pounds of rock 60 punds of live sand. i'm running a pro clear 125 model wet n dry with a skimmer and uv. in my tank i have 3 chromis,1 damsel,1 vlamingi tang,1 scopas tang,1 hippo tang,1 morish idol,1 powder brown,1 tomimi tang,1 kole tang,1 emperator angel,1magestic angel,1 saddleback clown,1perculia clown,1 algea blenny,1 sand star about 10 crabs,7 turbo snails.... i'm in the process of setting up a new 175g oceanic bowfront with the stainless steel and black glass stand and canopy. but i need a wet n dry...and some advice of what kind of filtration i should use. im not gonna do corals cause im not ready for that cause ive heard many diff things about it. im open to any kind of advice. Thanks for taking time out to read this post.

welcome to MR, my opinion take your 55g you already have and build a Bad Aussie mother flounder sump. keep it simple. live rock, a pad, your skimmer and maybe a fuge. you will be fine. and if any fish get hurt you can make a resting spot in the sump for them. and boy ohh boy thats alotta fish. impulse buy perhaps or just that addicted? haha my opinion, get that 175 right now...right now, go buy it now. right now. now. did you buy it yet? hurry. maybe even think of bigger because the fish u have are biggggggg fish. that angel that whoever told you only gets 5 inches, well my buddy has a 155 oceanic bow and his is 13 inches. and he has two lions in it and he feels his tank is crouded. just wait a year with yours. all those fish. yeah. big. and morish idol.....really? impressive. anyway good luck!

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