no skimmer.
green madran goby
PLEASE,please get the Mandarin back to wherever you bought him or if you have a reefer friend who has a tank that is upwards of 75g and at least a year old. He will die soon in your tank
No, are you at least running a filter on it - of some sort?
What is circulating the water? Any powerheads?
Can you post a full tank shot please?
I must assume you have dosed something else into the tank as your Ca is at 450 and your PH is 8.6 ..
My suggestion:
Don't dose anything, and no magic exilars either

Re-home the Mandarin asap
Do a 20% water change
Put the mangroves in a vase near a light until you actually may need them- not now as you have no nutrients for them
Read up & invest in a skimmer - a Hang On back is fine for your size tank
If you have bio-balls in the wet/dry, take them out (why a wet/dry and a fuge on a 29g tank?)
Buy a copy of
The Contiensious Aquarist and read it.
Put a healthy sized pinch of flake food in the tank and take an ammonia reading the next day and let us know what it is.
Please, no citters or corals in there at this point - you need to get the tank stable first