Hello All and thank you in advance for your time and expertise. I love the site.
Well first off I have a ninety gallon tank with 1-sailfin tang, 1-blue hippo tang, 4-damsels, 2-clowns, 1-diamond goby and 2-small colony of pomp pomp xnia. Along with a small clean up crew. I also have 80lbs of live sand and about 90lbs of live rock. I'm running a refugium with chaeto, live rock and miracle mud. System been up for about 8 months.
My water parameters are as follows.
PH-8.2 and sometimes it drops to 8.0
Well here's my question I recently acquired the xenias and I have been doing my research and discovered that they need iodine. So I went to the pet store and bought a Salifer Iodine test kit. So I was reading the instruction and I noticed that the color chart has yellow and green next to each other and going from light yellow and green to darker yellow and green as well as sharing the same numerical values. So i don't know what color I should be looking at when trying to determine the test results. I proceeded to follow the instructions. At first the test results yielded no colors at all. It was clear. I continued to goggle what that meant and found that it does that when iodide are not traceable. So I added Brightwell aquatics Iodide and after letting it cycle for about 2hrs I retested and got a reading on the Iodide. It was a very light yellow so I think it was about .03,but no green. I then tried testing the iodate and nothing it was clear. Can Someone please help. I don't really know what I sould be looking for. Should I even be testing for Iodate, and what is a good range for the Iodide and how do you test for iodine? The instruction only have for iodide and iodates, so how do I know when it would be nesscary to add the iodine. Please help me understand this kit. I don't want to misread the test results and cause damage.
Sorry for the long post, but did not know how else to explain my question. And again thanks for taking your time to help!!! :sad2:
Well first off I have a ninety gallon tank with 1-sailfin tang, 1-blue hippo tang, 4-damsels, 2-clowns, 1-diamond goby and 2-small colony of pomp pomp xnia. Along with a small clean up crew. I also have 80lbs of live sand and about 90lbs of live rock. I'm running a refugium with chaeto, live rock and miracle mud. System been up for about 8 months.
My water parameters are as follows.
PH-8.2 and sometimes it drops to 8.0
Well here's my question I recently acquired the xenias and I have been doing my research and discovered that they need iodine. So I went to the pet store and bought a Salifer Iodine test kit. So I was reading the instruction and I noticed that the color chart has yellow and green next to each other and going from light yellow and green to darker yellow and green as well as sharing the same numerical values. So i don't know what color I should be looking at when trying to determine the test results. I proceeded to follow the instructions. At first the test results yielded no colors at all. It was clear. I continued to goggle what that meant and found that it does that when iodide are not traceable. So I added Brightwell aquatics Iodide and after letting it cycle for about 2hrs I retested and got a reading on the Iodide. It was a very light yellow so I think it was about .03,but no green. I then tried testing the iodate and nothing it was clear. Can Someone please help. I don't really know what I sould be looking for. Should I even be testing for Iodate, and what is a good range for the Iodide and how do you test for iodine? The instruction only have for iodide and iodates, so how do I know when it would be nesscary to add the iodine. Please help me understand this kit. I don't want to misread the test results and cause damage.
Sorry for the long post, but did not know how else to explain my question. And again thanks for taking your time to help!!! :sad2:
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