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New Reefer
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Hi all,

My name is Margie and I am new to MR. My husband is already a member and I decided to join as well.

Our tank is a 30 gallon long with about 30lbs. of live rock. The live rock came with many hitch hikers attached and it's been very interesting watching all the action.

We have many zoas and zinnias and just got some frogspawn which is awesome to watch. We also just got a yellow watchman, but he isn't moving around that much. I guess he needs to get acclimated.

I have always wanted us to begin a reef tank and am very happy that we have finally started one.

Now, if we can get all this right we can graduate to what I would really like to keep...a shark..LOL!!!!!!!

Happy Reefing!!!!


Barnum Island
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Hi Margie, welcome to MR :)

It is a facinating hobby, just ask anyone who has sat in front of a tank at 3 AM with a flash light all decked out in the red plastic(the flashlight, not the member) torn from a pair of 3D glasses..lol

A shark eh? You might want a larger tank for that!

Are you coming to our Swap on Sunday, you just might find there are a few other things you want before you get the shark ;)


Advanced Reefer
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Welcome aboard!

Just to clarify - do you have zoas and xenia? (I was so confused, as my mom always planted zinnia (flowers) in the late spring...)

Sounds like you're enjoying the hobby - be warned - it can become an addiction :)

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