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DA fisherman

Hi everybody is it possble to just do a fish only saltwater tank? cause there is no way I'm ready for a reef tank. Somthing simple. Or should I go with a bio cube to start???

BTW I'm new here everybody ,HELLO. :)

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Barnum Island
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Hi everybody is it possble to just do a fish only saltwater tank? cause there is no way I'm ready for a reef tank. Somthing simple. Or should I go with a bio cube to start???

BTW I'm new here everybody ,HELLO. :)

Sent from my iPod touch using Reefs

It certainly is!
The first 2 things you need to consider is how much space you have for a tank and what fish you find appealing..and then see if those 2 work together.
If you have fallen in love with Triggerfish and must have one, a bio cube would be an awful choice, but if you simply must have clownfish, then you're aiming in the right direction :)

Have you ever had any fishtanks before - even FW?
New York
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You can definitely do a fish only tank. I would advise you to pick up some books and do some reading. Like Kathy said deciding on what fish you would like is your first step.

Do you want aggressive larger fish?
Peaceful smaller fish?

There is so many different ways to go depending on your budget.


Advanced Reefer
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Quick suggestion...

If you're doing a fish only tank because you like fish that aren't reef compatible, then read up and go for it.

If you're doing a fish only tank because you feel you aren't ready for a reef, think carefully about the fish you're putting in and you may want to consider "reef safe" fish. This way, later down the road, if you decide you are ready for some corals, you won't have to get any of your fish out.

DA fisherman

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@ kathy c yeah I have two freshwater tanks (cichlids) and a 10g with baby Green Terrors ..now for saltwater I want to setup a tank with 2 clownfish and 2 red skunk shrimp that's it ,and thanks for the info guys

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Barnum Island
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A cube in the neighborhood of 20ish gallons would be great for what you are looking to keep. What you need to think about is what type of lighting it will have (some come with different options for lighting).
Many like to keep an anenome for their clowns - you have to keep your lighting in mind in this case. Stronger lighting the will increase the chance you will need to do something to keep the tank cool in the summertime.
T5's should enable you to keep an anenome and will be fine if you decide to add coral at some point.
You might also think about getting a skimmer to keep your water clean as you won't have much rock in there (the rock in reef tanks acts as a 'filter').
Your shrimp will also want some rock to live amongst.

Take a look in our For Sale Forum (on the marketplace page) and you might just find a bio-cube type tank that is used with the lighting you want..and maybe even a skimmer that fits it!

As mentioned above - you need to read, and then read some more on the requirements for the animals you want to keep.
Also remember you will need some test kits as the tank will still have to cycle before you add any livestock :)


PADI Dive Inst
New York
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And, if you go for the anemone, give your tank more than a few months to start maturing. Anemone are very rewarding especially clownfish but they are not easy to keep at first.

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