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Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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Hey guys..

So I have a problem..

I have a 24gallon Aquapod that needs to be resealed..

I have tried 2 times to silicone it.. and I have had no luck, there is still a small leak. Some where on the bottom right corner (when the tank is facing you)..

I'm 99.9% sure that glass is totally intact.. no cracks or anything. I think the silicone is just cracked some where..

The 24g is basically my main priority. But.. I actually do have another 65gallon tank that I need resealed (I actually recieved from nightcrawler.. thanks again Ed)

After using my "handyness".. I don't really trust my self with the 65 gallon now.

So if any one is good really good with this stuff.. I can come by and drop off the Aquapod..

Please PM me with your location, and your fee.



Barnum Island
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Are you aware that in order to re-seal a tank that a few things need to happen..
1- it has to be empty & totally dry
2- it ALL has to be taken apart - entirely and toally resealed (you can't just fix a leak on a tank)
3- the silicone needs to dry totally (where the silicone no longer smells like vinegar) before it is refilled

..just my 2 cents :)


Advanced Reefer
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You have to make sure you cut the entire seems of silicone out then prep it and reseal- If you just globbed silicone into where it is leaking from it will never work-new silicone does not adhere to old silicone. Cut It out totally, prep it with alcohol and then lay in the new silicone and you should have better luck with it. Best wishes and hope you have a good outcome. This may help you out:


Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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Thanks Jimmy! I did cut it out! I don't know. I guess I just suck at it lol. After trying it 2 times.. I'm kind of giving up and just ready to hand it over to someone that knows what they they're doing.
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Advanced Reefer
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No prob and I hear ya well good luck with it, hopefully you can get it done for you- if you got a few bucks to spend why not look up any of the custom tank builders, maybe coast to coast in NJ or some of the others in the area? Maybe they will do it for you for a descent price?


Advanced Reefer
New York
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aquapods are pretty cheap. you can even find some tank only deals (no canopy, no pumps, etc) at nanotuners and nanocustoms. would probably end up being cheaper than trying to have a custom builder reseal it for you...

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