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Reefs R Madness!
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I'm looking into getting a Squamosa for my 29 gallon Biocube. I have upgraded lights do that won't be a problem. I have 2 maximas from WetthumbFrags that I got from the swap that look great. Will a 3-4" Squamosa grow too fast and consume a lot of my calcium in the process for my nano?


Advanced Reefer
Suffolk County
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I'm looking into getting a Squamosa for my 29 gallon Biocube. I have upgraded lights do that won't be a problem. I have 2 maximas from WetthumbFrags that I got from the swap that look great. Will a 3-4" Squamosa grow too fast and consume a lot of my calcium in the process for my nano?

They do get big quick and suck down a lot of calcium and carbonate in the process. With quick-growing clams in a small tank you definitely won't be able to rely on water changes to maintain Ca/Alk, if that's what you've already been doing, but so long as you do supplement your Ca/Alk, there's really nothing to keep you from keeping them. Until they get too bloody big, at least. But, hey, that's what gives you an excuse to upgrade, right? ;)


Reefs R Madness!
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John, that kind of growth would be crazy in my tank!

I do a 20-25% w.c. every week. The clams are new so I'm not sure yet how much or how fast they deplete my calcium, but I'm pretty sure I can maintain my levels with frequent wc's and would like to avoid if possible adding supplements. I think I'll stick with the maximas for the time being. An upgrade will definitely be coming once I have more room, but I don't know when that will be! Thanks for the input.


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right now i have 6 2-4" crocea and maximas. my total water volume is a little under 50 gallons.
in one week they sometimes take my alkalinity from 12dkh to 6 or 7. to
I also supplement my tank I end up using more alkalinity supplement than calcium and magnesium.
I i was not using ESV SALT then i would have a problem keeping up with the dosing.My clams will definitely outgrow my tank eventually but i hope to upgrade to larger or worst case i will just have to sell them once they mature. But for now i enjoy keeping them

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