TRUKINGNY Advanced Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location White Plains Rating - 100% 27 0 0 Apr 27, 2010 #1 is this a good spot for my war frag??? Attachments phone 104.jpg 149.3 KB · Views: 115 phone 106.jpg 153.4 KB · Views: 111
jaa1456 MR's Greatest Member Location Old Bridge/L.B.I. Rating - 100% 50 0 0 Apr 27, 2010 #2 Looks fine to me, I have mine on the sand, near acans and it has been fine.
ZANYMASTER Old School Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location Bethpage,NY Rating - 100% 411 0 0 Apr 28, 2010 #3 Would be better on a rock so it'll grow in it.Make sure not to put anything close it as it'll sting it or vice versa.
Would be better on a rock so it'll grow in it.Make sure not to put anything close it as it'll sting it or vice versa.