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Advanced Reefer
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Heys Guys,

First off thanks for taking the time to help. Well here's my problem I just bought 2 1050 hydro korila power heads for my 90 gallon tank. They are moving the water great but all my fishes look stressed. I have 2 clowns, 4 damsels, 1 salifin tang, 1 regal tang and one diamond goby as well as colt coral and some xenias. I checked all my parameters and they all are good. Below are the test results.


My lighting consist of 2 power compact fixture that are 260watts each.

I've tried running the powerheads 1 at a time and i still see my fishes breathing rapidly. I forgot to mentioned that I just put the powerheads in a day ago. when I placed them in, there was alot of debris that was kicked up, but as mentioned before all parmeters are good. Is it normal or should I return them and get smaller ones. Any advice you guys could give would be great.

Thanks for the help
Frank :scratch:


Old School Reefer
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Those pumps should be absolutely fine for your tank. They are not too big. The positioning of the pumps might not be the most suitable for your critters (just a guess). A picture of the full tank showing your rockwork and the pumps might help. If the pumps were installed in such an orientation that it prevents the fish from being able to sleep in their 'claimed' homes, that could stress them out. Can you lower the flow on those pumps at night to give the fish a lower flow during sleep time?

The reduced ability to control some of the lesser expensive pumps sometimes makes them less efficient. As I asked for above, if you could shoot a picture or two, we might be able to provide you with better advice.


fish keeper 7

Advanced Reefer
new york
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PH might be a little high try and lower it... and the fish wouldnt be breathing heavy from the powerheads imo. try and do a water change see if that helps like 5-10g, it could be lack of oxygen, FTS would help a lot, and im sure anyone else who is more experienced than i would be of more help seeing a FTS and your filtration unit.

whats the temperature also.

and your sure your nitrates are 0?

what kind of test kits are you using, from what i read and ime, API are the best. also salifert i heard was widely used by advanced reefers.

good luck^^ hope your fish start breathing normal soon.

also, check them for white spots. ick stresses fish, if you see white spots set up a quarantine and treat it with copper, doing a fresh water bath might help also when moving from DT to QT (just a suggestion if they have white spots)

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