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I have a high fin red banded goby as well as other fish and I would like to add a yasha goby. It says on liveaquaria.com:
"...Ideally this goby should be the first bottom dwelling goby added to the established aquarium, so the fish may stake out its territory before other more pugnacious gobies are added..."
"...It is not aggressive towards other shrimp gobies and may even share a burrow with another species. Being territorial, it may occasionally quarrel with conspecifics if kept together, or if the tank is too small...."
My tank is a 30 gallon BC with lots of rock work. What is everyone's opinion on adding the yasha if I already have the HFRBG?
"...Ideally this goby should be the first bottom dwelling goby added to the established aquarium, so the fish may stake out its territory before other more pugnacious gobies are added..."
"...It is not aggressive towards other shrimp gobies and may even share a burrow with another species. Being territorial, it may occasionally quarrel with conspecifics if kept together, or if the tank is too small...."
My tank is a 30 gallon BC with lots of rock work. What is everyone's opinion on adding the yasha if I already have the HFRBG?