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I had the same problem. They were feeding on my SPS coral, so I removed them. I read somewhere some Blue leg Hermit will feed on corals and some will not.
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Advanced Reefer
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If it is the only one Blue leg crab that is giving you the problem, you can try moving it to another part of the tank. They may find their way back. Like I said before, I just took them all out of my tank.


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Northern Jersey
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i have blue leg, red scarlet, white leg hermits.. never had a problem, they just like to go after my snails and pluck them out of the shells when they want a new home..

could not agree anymore. although i did have an electric blue leg hermit that nipped at corals, not eat them, but nip randomly. the small blue legs and scarlets and halloween hermits never did a thing


Experienced Reefer
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I think its an individual thing, I had one that I'm sure murdered a snail. I just banished him to the sump. I've seen other hermits fight each other for shells but thats just good entertainment.


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New York
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Now, you have me thinking. In the past, I would see hermits go after damaged corals that had dead tissue. That's how I know a coral was really dead...

I have a large bali green slimer that I see a blue legged hermit hang out on. I had put him to the other side of the tank and he came back. However, this coral is doing fine. I do not see hermit doing damage, just hanging out.

So I guess, I have to watch to see if he will be doing damage.

I also like your suggestion of putting him in sump if problem. Easy fix.

PS. The exception is that I have seen my hermits go after newly fragged zoas. Never understood that. I guess there must have been mucas that attracted them.


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Crabs of any kind are opportunists. They will kill or eat anything if they get the urge/chance. Hermits will kill snails even if there are plenty of shells around. Moving them to another area in a tank is useless since they can travel fairly quickly. You have to remove them if they are causing problems.


Advanced Reefer
New York
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I think its an individual thing, I had one that I'm sure murdered a snail. I just banished him to the sump. I've seen other hermits fight each other for shells but thats just good entertainment.

they will all "murder" snails. you are going to have a ton of crabs in your sump if you keep that up ;)
New York
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They returned 3 times after being relocated. the cloves must taste good. They have definitely killed 3-4 stems of my cloves. they are thriving and multiplying so i am going to just keep an eye and if it continues they will be removed.

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