- Location
- UES, Manhattan
...if it isn't already too late
I have two Kenyas in my tank that seem very unhappy... I am worried that they are dying, but I don't know what to do. Any advice or help will go a long way. Thanks!
Tank specs:
Eclipse stock filtration and lighting
Koralia nano
25W heater
1.024 salinity
79-82 temperature
0ppm Nitrate
0ppm Ammonia
0-5ppm Nitrate
8.1 pH
1 False perc clown
3 three-stripe damsels
1 Unidentified hermit
1 Nassarius Snail
2 Kenyas

Is it the Nitrates, the low light environment, or something else? What can I do to increase their odds of survival? Are they completely healthy and I just don't know how to read them? I am also going to be giving away the Damsels soon (just need to find a day when I don't get back from work at 11:30
Some other notes:
I have two Kenyas in my tank that seem very unhappy... I am worried that they are dying, but I don't know what to do. Any advice or help will go a long way. Thanks!
Tank specs:
Eclipse stock filtration and lighting
Koralia nano
25W heater
1.024 salinity
79-82 temperature
0ppm Nitrate
0ppm Ammonia
0-5ppm Nitrate
8.1 pH
1 False perc clown
3 three-stripe damsels
1 Unidentified hermit
1 Nassarius Snail
2 Kenyas

- My Nitrates were up to 10ppm last week when I added live rock and sand from another established aquarium, along with the Kenyas, and I originally assumed this was the reason they were unhappy.
- When I added the Kenyas, they slowly expanded fully and seemed like they were doing great. After a few days, they started shriveling back up and have not been the same since.
- After doing some reading, I blamed the Nitrates and determined a course of action to lower them. I've done consistent tests and water changes (the latter using Petco saltwater). I also stopped feeding the fish flakes and swapped to pellets, fewer of which are lost to the gravel and powerhead.
Is it the Nitrates, the low light environment, or something else? What can I do to increase their odds of survival? Are they completely healthy and I just don't know how to read them? I am also going to be giving away the Damsels soon (just need to find a day when I don't get back from work at 11:30
Some other notes:
- There is a lot of green hair algae in the tank... I haven't read anything that says that this is a bad thing, but I don't think it reflects well on the tank chemistry. Hopefully less food and lower nitrates will resolve this over time.
- There is also some red stuff that looks awfully like cyanobacteria - this hasn't become a problem yet, but I know it will at some point. Gearing up, knowledgewise, to deal with this when it blooms.
- Do I need more snails and crabs?