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Neptune, NJ
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Its a 90 gal, been running it fine for almost 2 months now with just a marineland 400, just added fluval clearmax media, 4 koralia 750's, 20 gal fuge, getting a reef octopus 250 tomorrow. suprisingly ive had practically no problems so far short of an ick scare that i took care of.
Neptune, NJ
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reef, i have a couple pieces of mushroom, some orange zoos, and a green trumpet in there now that seem to be doing fine. i had some chaeto algae with copepods in the plastic container before i set up the fuge, now i have the mushroom in there cause i had to remove it from the rock it was on cause another kind of mushroom was growing on it and not allowing it to fully open up, so im just waiting for it to anchor to some rubble so i can glue it to another piece of rock. and you have the honey damsel, cant take piccs of a fish in your tank now can i? lol
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Mainland Aquatics
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lol, i thought maybe you hadpics of it since you had begining pics..

but anywat, for the reef your gonna need better lighting.. like that diy t5, i would go 6 bulb 54w ea.. with icecap 660 ballasts with individual reflectors. do you have a skimmer yet? you did say you have canister filter with bio media.. thats gotta go, will cause high nitrates..

i know you said u wanted to do a sump, what happened?
Neptune, NJ
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i found a guy on here who has a 4 bulb t-5, 216 watts, which i can just add to what i have i think, it wont look pretty but its only $100. im getting my skimmer tomorrow, a reef octopus 250, i ordered it like 2 weeks ago from reefs to reptiles but he's been having some trouble getting it shipped. the filter i have on there now isnt a canister, its a marineland 400 powerfilter with bio-wheels (which i know is totally not the right thing to have on there but thats how i set it up and had it running before i asked any questions lol), its just got 3 of the carbon and polyfiber filters pads and 2 bags of fluval clearmax for the phosphates. my nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia levels have all stayed at relatively zero this whole time. i set up a fuge underneath with more live rock and some chaeto and ulva algae. in the next couple weeks though im gonna go ahead and install a phosban reactor.
Neptune, NJ
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nice, thanks, quick question though, in the interest of removing the powerfilter, can i get something like a phosban reactor and just fill it with carbon media and then get another one and fill it with some kind of media to remove particulate matter?
Neptune, NJ
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i mean later on im gonna need some other stuff arent i? once i start adding more coral arent i gonna need things like a calcium reactor? and then dont i have to one day ungrade to metal halide and then have to get a chiller? if not its all good and ill be happy without it.


Advanced Reefer
White Plains
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Hey nice tank got a question how is it taking care of The Golden Headed Sleeper I want one but heard their a pain make big messes move sand all over and have big pile in certain places what's your opinion

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Neptune, NJ
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argh, you have no idea lol, hes made a nice trench all around all my rock and all my lower rock is constantly being covered. he also puts alot of particulate matter in the water which tends to cloud it up a bit. i have seriously considered just selling or trading him lately cause he keeps covering my zoas and mushroom. i like how much he aerates the sand though, used to get alot of discoloration and algae growth but no more. he's also mad a friendship with my two bar rabbitfish, they go everywhere in the tank together. i guess its just whether you can stand having your rock constantly dumped on for better sand quality.

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