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Brooklyn, NY
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So how long can my fish survive in a tank with no electricity? I live across the street from the new Brooklyn stadium building site and ConEd just did something that cut the power unexpectedly. Its a FOWLR tank with 5 small fish, 2 blennies, 2 tomato clowns, and a yellow tang. 65 gallons.


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I had a power outage once what u gotta do is keep the water at the rite temp I did this buy water changes every few hours and move the water so it can oxegenate a few hours at a time.. It worked for me for 2 days and then my power came on no deaths!!!

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I would go to best buy and get the biggest UPS you can afford and hook your return pump up to it.


Experienced Reefer
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you should go out and get battery operated air pumps.


Congrats on the power coming back on! Get one of these for next time:




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I would go to best buy and get the biggest UPS you can afford and hook your return pump up to it.

A pump and heater will exhaust many UPS's in 15 minutes or less.

I think this is an area where you have to simply open your wallet for true peace of mind. The Yamaha's get great reviews... I was considering buying this in the near future:



There are smaller ones, but you might as well save your food and power some lights at the same time.


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A pump and heater will exhaust many UPS's in 15 minutes or less.

I think this is an area where you have to simply open your wallet for true peace of mind. The Yamaha's get great reviews... I was considering buying this in the near future:



There are smaller ones, but you might as well save your food and power some lights at the same time.

Great idea, however you must be able to run that generator far enough from any window or door to prevent the carbon monoxide from the exhaust from entering yours or anyone elses for that matter and injuring or killing someone. I recommend at least 15 to 20 feet from any window or door.


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TripleT said:
That must have been tricky. How did you heat it, on the stove???
Well acutualy just went to the water store down the block picked up sum water wich was cold. pourd slowly till It droped.. Becuase it was a very hott summer day

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My ups will last for almost five hours with both return pumps for both of my tanks running non stop. I don't plug my heaters into it but I figure five hours is better than carbon monoxide poisoning. But what do I know I only have eighteen years in the emergency services.


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Thank God the power came back.Anyway i don't think the LFS is open late and UPS need to be charged up.So that would take you nowhere fast .You would have to stir the water vigorously every 30 min.to an hour depending on the temp.of the water.


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My ups will last for almost five hours with both return pumps for both of my tanks running non stop. I don't plug my heaters into it

The most immediate danger in most cases of a power outage is temperature swings.

I figure five hours is better than carbon monoxide poisoning.

Five hours of pumps running won't be of any use to people who lose power for 24 hours.

If you choose to run a generator in your living room, or right outside your window, then yes it could make you sick. But if this is the case, natural selection probably would have done you in long before this.

But what do I know I only have eighteen years in the emergency services.

Enough to get your fish through a power outage. Assuming the outage is not longer than a day or two, and that the climate where you live is about 78 degrees, day and night. Year round.


Advanced Reefer
New York
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Fish can tolerate temperature swings, especially if they happen slowly as in the case of losing power in your heaters. Low O2 in the water will kill them quickly however.

I have made it through a couple power failures (and helped a few other reefers survive outages) just using computer UPS backups. They will run a vortech and a small air pump for about 2 days if you get one of the medium/larger ones.

As for keeping them charged up, you should just keep them running all the time. they will only turn on when the power goes out.


New Hampshire
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Living where i do and losing the power all the time i invested in one of these puppies to keep my 150 gal reef tank going


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