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There were two tank bred false clownfish in my 38g tank. They have been in there for 5 month. The bigger one has been aggressive toward the smaller one. The smaller one jumped and died early this week. I'm so angry to that bigger one. I'm not getting anymore fish and just let it be the only clown in the tank.

I'm very upset, the one jumped was a misbar clownfish which it is my favor. Some time I think I should get a bigger one to beat up this clownfish murderer to get even.

Did this happen to any of you guys? It's rare to see a clownfish carpeted, but mine just had so much abuse from the bigger one and decided to jump one day. So sad..


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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it was trying to give you a hug but you were not there to hug back lol

no but on a serious note, i did have 3 clowns of my own jump too. i just got a canopy and never had the issue again...


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ok, but would you guys know the cause for them to jump?

In my case, it's all the bigger clownfish's fault. I have been noticing he chases the smaller one during feeding and sometime at night (when lights off), I could hear water splashing.

The smaller one has been doing submissive dance whenever the bigger one harrasses him. I feel so sorry about the smaller one.

The constant harassment was the culprit to the fish death. Is possible two non mated clownfish co-exist peacefully in a size tank I have?

The reason I didnt put a cover is I do not want to put something to block some % of light since I have lots corals in the tank. Secondly I never thought of clownfish would jump. Also my tank water temp is around 87F when the lights on. So a tank cover would just going to bake everything in the tank. No chillers, but a floor fan running.
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ok, but would you guys know the cause for them to jump?

In my case, it's all the bigger clownfish's fault. I have been noticing he chases the smaller one during feeding and sometime at night (when lights off), I could hear water splashing.

The smaller one has been doing submissive dance whenever the bigger one harrasses him. I feel so sorry about the smaller one.

The constant harassment was the culprit to the fish death. Is possible two non mated clownfish co-exist peacefully in a size tank I have?

The reason I didnt put a cover is I do not want to put something to block some % of light since I have lots corals in the tank. Secondly I never thought of clownfish would jump. Also my tank water temp is around 87F when the lights on. So a tank cover would just going to bake everything in the tank. No chillers, but a floor fan running.
All fish will jump to get out of harms way, in your case it's the floor.Don't blame the big fellow Blame yourself.Clownfishes are territorial and will fight to the death.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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All fish will jump to get out of harms way, in your case it's the floor.Don't blame the big fellow Blame yourself.Clownfishes are territorial and will fight to the death.

yes they will.

lets just say i had a dozen false purcs in my one tank. got them all at once about 4 years ago less than an inch big. after 2-3 years i lost 4 due to harrassment by other fish, mainly the largest female clown... then one male jumped, so i had 7 left. by this time 3 of them, the females, were pushing 3 1/2-4 inches, real nice size. the 4 males were only 2 inch. they got along great. never fought. it was MY fault that i felt bad because they would all pair off and one would be alone, so i threw 3 more in because my friend broke down a tank so i took his, 1 female and 2 males. the female was same size as the other females, but brighter in color and could tell it was the new one, much more distinct. one of the males was the same as the other males, 2 inches...but the 2nd male i got was only an inch... but georgous. it had striped stripes on its body of black and white. very cool specimen. so anyway, bad idea. my females were territorial because they laid eggs in certain area and no other fish would be aloud to go near, unless one of the males wanted to fight the other male to take over his spot as father. so, those 2 males were chased by the females, had no where to go and jumped. the larger female was very strong competitor though and actually killed one of my females. i flipped. so i netted the bastard and brought it over to my buds house and said here you go, enjoy, see ya later. so 6 left...and there all happy and peicefull...until i sadly sold my tank to another friend of mine because i wanted to take a break for a few months and save money for a new set up. yet still he has them and there doing great.

so.... yes they can fight, yes one will be dominent, frequently the females seeing they become larger quicker, and will chase others around until they are cornered, and when they are cornered, where else to go but up and out?

and if you still have that one aggressive clown, i dont reccomend going out and buying more clowns, because its going to happen again more then likely. either let her be, or net her up and give her away to someone because its just one of those things where you might think your doing the right thing and buy a partner for the clown, but all females are the same, there going to piss and moan until they get there way...and the male will lose. lol no offence to any females.

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