- Location
- Brooklyn
I don't really have too many corals or anything. Still waiting for things to mature, I have a hammer coral, some ricordias and mushrooms. Hopefully going to get some Zoas this week. I have a few fish (clown fish and cardinal fish) and 2 sea urchins. My setup is a Marineland 20 gallon tank with a 70 watt K2 Viper light. I was wondering if anything would help me to keep my tank in the best condition to help my stuff mature. I have had it set up for like 8 months. Lost a few fish and a few frags, however everything in there has been fine for the past couple of months, although nothing seems to be spawning. Now I know that I am supposed to be patient, however I was wondering if there is anything I can do to accelerate growth and make the environment best for spawning. I will get some photos later tonight.
thanks for the help! This site is amazing!