Hey Guys. I just got a 34 Gallon Red Sea Max and I'm about to start adding stuff to my tank. Before I buy fish and coral I want to get the "clean-up crew" guys. What should I go out and get, and how many of each should I get? Thanks guys. Love this freakin site.
+1 for John Maloney. Go to his site www.reefcleaners.org and fill out the custom clean up crew questionairre. He helped me out and suggested a cleaning crew for my 40 Breeder
If you fill out the questionnaire on John's website, he builds a custom clean up crew for you, and you can order it. He has great response time and looks at what you plan on keeping in the tank, tank size, substrate etc. If you want suggestions, he knows his stuff.
I never used a clean up crew.. Keep water pars in check and flow up there and you won't need coral tippers.. Unless you just have to have sand.. Go BB..