Thanks for all your thoughts.
Yes, was a reputable place. New World Aquarium on East side, 38th Street.
I think I may have rushed on the acclimation process. Usually the bag is quite large with a lot of water in it, these were very small and I probably used too much tank water each time. I also never heard of taking the water out of the bag, but that does make sense. Will adjust my methods.
But then if they are supposed to be so hardy, maybe there was some contamination. The other guys in the tank seem quite happy, so this is really bumming me out that I don't know what happened....
If it was the acclimation process, better to learn to do it better with a $3 hermit crab than a $80 coral.
The dead hermits looked intact, except one had lost a claw, so I suppose it could have been a fight. And there was one of the other hermits sporting the shell. But since they were barely moving I figured it more likely they just didn't adjust well.
What about the trip home on a hot day? I went from the heat waiting for the bus, then onto the bus with crazy strong AC, then back to my warm apartment where they were then acclimated to the tank. Maybe just too much variation in temp?
Tank temp was a little high, 78, still working on getting that cover off. Have to go get the proper pond netting and then figure out the lighting situation. What if I elevate the lid and add a fan to the setup, keeping the lights? Are these lights even good enough for corals with strong light requirements? Biocube has 36W 10K Daylight (16") and 36W Actinic 03 Blue (16").
Yes I'll do a pic.