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Advanced Reefer
East Windsor, NJ
Rating - 100%
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So I went down to my tank a few minutes ago, lights are off and moon lights are on

I see these little bug/mite like creatures running all over the LR on the left side of my tank (they were everywhere but more on the left)

Size: Varied, some were small some were larger (but all small compared to anything else)

Color: Clear

Body: Looks almost like tiny tiny shrimp with the curled tail and the legs

Behavior they didn't seem to be interested in coral just crawling all over the rock and in and out of the crevices

When I went to try to grab one they all ran into the rocks and then came back out

I have no idea what this is and if I should be worried

I wish I could get a picture, but they move so darn fast and are pretty small

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