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if u keep checking back here (marketplace) u could find a cheaper fixture that is much better for 400 flat.


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My advice:
I bought a light fixture for my tank off eBay be4. I still use them they do work great.. But when I received the package the bulbs were broken and the housing for the fixture and bulbs was not sealed properly. so water splash sometimes gets in side not really that bad but annoying.. The housing is also of poor quality., But like I said I still use them and the light output is the same as any high quality brand (with the same wattage of course)

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Advanced Reefer
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My advice:
I bought a light fixture for my tank off eBay be4. I still use them they do work great.. But when I received the package the bulbs were broken and the housing for the fixture and bulbs was not sealed properly. so water splash sometimes gets in side not really that bad but annoying.. The housing is also of poor quality., But like I said I still use them and the light output is the same as any high quality brand (with the same wattage of course)

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs

im leaning towards a name brand fixture and then changing out bulbs etc... but jonathan can you post some pics of your light, under it so i can see the lights, and a pic or 2 of the problem areas you were noting, if you dont mind.

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