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My tank has been up for 36 days, cycled and the fish and inverts are doing great. It's a 55G FOWLER with 55lbs of live rock plus live sand. Aside from the Ph constantly reading at 8.0 the numbers are within good parameters:

SG: 1.024
Ph: 8.0
A: 0
Ni: less than 0.2 (that's the lowest on my test)
Na: less than 10 (that's the lowest on my test)
Alk: 3 meg/L
Ca: 420

I'm adding 15ml of both Alkalinity and Calcium from the B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System. I'm also adding a capfull of Purple Up each day. Trying to get my Alk and Ca a bit higher and the Coralline to grow.

My question is do I need to worry about the 8.0 Ph for any reason? Should I add something to raise the Ph? Thanks!!


Advanced Reefer
Ozone Park
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Since your doing a FOWLR I wouldn't see the need to worry about calcium levels so much. The Coraline will eventually grow on its own and routine water changes will eventually keep the calcium level in the 350-450 range. No need to use purple up or rush anything. I would however invest in a better test kit for Nitrite that can test for the lower range. Nitrite is harmfull to fish. If you do want to raise your levels..like RKA stated, test for Magnesium, I'm pretty sure it may be off thats why your PH is off. Once you reach the 1250-1350 range for magnesium your alk and calcium levels will rise aswell and it will balance it self out. Thats when you should dose your 2 part. JMO... alot of usefull info here on MR. Research and patience is the key here. With that, you will do fine.

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