Yes, I get 0.2 on Nitrites so that's a tad high too. I used LR to cycle that had been in another tank and someone told me that what might have happened was that I had a little cycle, then the bacteria ran out of stuff to eat and died back a little. Also, I had an issue with one of my canister filters getting clogged from sand kick up and had to clean it out--without realizing I shouldn't rinse the media with tap water, I did (now I know better). I may have killed some of my bacteria colony doing that too, so while all the tests were fine pre-fish and for the first fish, the new fish caused a new little cycle. This is what I suspect anyhow. I've been watching it and testing daily since Monday and ammonia has gone down while Nitrite and Nitrate have stayed the same. I just really hope it doesn't do something crazy while I'm out of town and my husband, who has zero fish tank experience, is looking out for the tank. I wonder if you can add too much bacteria--ie I wonder if the ammonia is still up Fri. night before I leave, if I should add another bottle of BioSpira to the tank