nanoreefer22 said:Chief,
I see where your coming from but all those things add to the bioload of the tank, so don't you think a tank without them would do somewhat better? With the lower bioload and all.
As Tony said you can keep a BB for the most part cleaner, you don't have detritus accumulating, and the water stays nutrient free. This is only a part to keeping a healthy thank but it works, if you do it right. I have detritus accumulation in one spot about 1inch x 1inch.
The cons of BB are that you have the unnatural look unless you find a way to camoflauge it.
hermangareis said:Add buffering capabilities to the argument Cause many peeps have a problems with that in a BB setup cause they dont know their chemistry...:sgrin:
Chiefmcfuz said:Do what works for you.
In less than a year????? Strange......Tonyscoots84 said:the sand smelt like rotton eggs when i took it out.. there was alot of darkish grey sand.. really bad odor... and the phosphate tester came up medium.. no more phosphates and brown on the rocks is almost all off the rocks.. yayyayay
Chiefmcfuz said:He said he was going DSB and I sugg'd SSB that's all. Oh and there should be a still in between it and lets in my prev post.
hermangareis said:If you are 95% sure that you want to go the DSB route, make it 100% and go with it. Any help that you need, we can help you with and we will be with you 100%
hermangareis said:I just hope this thread will not get into the argument of why the other is no good