After having this stuff in my tank for a little while, I can't believe LFSs charge for this stuff. It grows like crazy! I'm pretty sure that in terms of mass, it grows easily 10x as fast as the chaeto in my back chamber.
I've already given away a few frags because they conveniently happened to be growing on frag disks... But the rest of the stuff is now on my LR. Is there a way to trim this stuff and transplant it onto plugs or disks? A friend told me he used to just rip it off the rock and toss it in the toilet... But I'd rather give or trade it away in a healthy condition.
Where would you more experienced guys recommend putting this in terms of upper/lower part of the tank? I guess putting it on the sand level between three rocks was just asking to have it grow everywhere... Would keeping it at the top of the tank slow down it's spreading? I have a BC HQI, so I had been planning on keeping SPS towards the top...
Does it feed off of nitrates/phosphates? I've heard "nutrient export" as the reason people grow it and justify tossing frags in the trash... But never heard what specific nutrients.
If anyone's around Nassau County on Long Island, I'm totally up for tossing you a frag of it for a trade of any other frag. In low flow it pulses better than most I've seen. :lol: Happy reefing!
(ps I know my lettuce/cactus coral frag doesn't look too happy... I don't know what happened to it! It was the only SPS frag growing noticeably in my tank for months, then two weeks ago it started looking all beat up! Maybe the new duncan head that sprouted is shading it too much?)