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Advanced Reefer
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Hey guys,

I've had this green nepthea for long time and it has grown alot since I got it, but today I noticed that there's one branch that turning black and I don't know what it is or what to do and I'm wondering if I should cut it off or just let it be. Any help you guys could give would greatly appreciated.

here are my tank specs
salnity .26
ph 8.2
nitrates 0
nitrites 0
amonia 0

90 gallon with a 8 bulb T5 tek light fixture.

thanks in advance


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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I would frag the part that is black. If there is something really wrong with that part you could be saving the colony and if there's nothing wrong you'll have a second nepthea ;). Beautiful coral BTW which is getting harder and harder to come by these days, one of my favorite leathers.


A Newbie to the Reef Game
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I think Mushrooms can release toxins. I had the same issue with 1 of my aussie elegance when I first placed it next to a mushroom. It would fully extend 1 way, but stay shriveled up by the mushroom colony. I moved it over and gave it more room to grow & it's been fine since... I did bump up amount of carbon to try to clear up the toxins in the water over the last week..... just from my experience... but i'm not an expert.

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