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Hi I've been hearing lots of stuff lately on auto water changers. Can someone explain how they work? And is it a good investment to make? To me it looks really cool and time saving.


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I love these peices of equipment and originally had a very expensive version to do such things to a degree(Dialyseas). At the end of the day I put together a rather simple and inexpensive water change system that takes not much more than the turn of a couple unions and switches. I feel it is good to be able to monitor how much water is being taken out of your system and then back into your system. It also becomes a nice routine to establish and do other things that might go along well with the water change.(water testing, siphon detritus & sandbed). Nothing against the genesis system or similiar items just my 2 cents.


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remember the only thing it does is change water which is the easiest thing to do in our hobby.it doesnt change your carbon or phosban or test your paramters.it dont syphon up deitrus or nuisence algae all it does is change water.save your money for something worth while.WOW you guys have a ton of threads LOL


Advanced Reefer
Bronx 10461
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+1 i actually enjoy water changes. its fun and i look forward to it every sunday when i get home from work.
remember the only thing it does is change water which is the easiest thing to do in our hobby.it doesnt change your carbon or phosban or test your paramters.it dont syphon up deitrus or nuisence algae all it does is change water.save your money for something worth while.WOW you guys have a ton of threads LOL


Advanced Reefer
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remember the only thing it does is change water which is the easiest thing to do in our hobby.it doesnt change your carbon or phosban or test your paramters.it dont syphon up deitrus or nuisence algae all it does is change water.save your money for something worth while.WOW you guys have a ton of threads LOL

+1, buy crazy aussie coral, they cost enough.


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Its the Genesis reef system, and all it does for you is move water from prefilled buckets. Your still doing all of the work in mixing salt water and dumping the old water out which is what we, the people doing 20+ gallon water changes, dread the most.

The reason it exists isn't to make water changes easier because it actually complicates it a bit. Its because it slowly changes your water for you over a set period of time during the day, allowing you do do multiple 5g water changes or 2g over the course of the week which stabilizes your tanks ups and downs as old water is flushed out and new added every 1-2 weeks. Its more of a stability tool going by a method people like to do with multiple small water changes to add to tank stability over time.

It does what an auto top off does with salinity swings but with waste in the tank.


A Newbie to the Reef Game
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I'm setting 1 up now for when I'm on the road. REALLY simple that will consist of a weekly timer going off on my RKL unit that will
1. turn on a pump. in the sump to a dirty water bucket.
2. stop the pump with an ATO level
3. powerhead in the fresh salt water to return to the sump.
4. use the ATO sensor to tell the pump when to stop.
5. watch it all from a webcam & check levels using the net module on the RKL.


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I made my own years ago.
Simplified explanation-Two pumps two timers.
First pump mixes/delivers FSW and is timed for amount gal.s.Have float to kill pump just in case timer fails.
The trick is the second pump. An Aqualifter that slowly sucks water out to house drain.Have the inlet tube to aqualifter positioned at normal level and sucks air beyond that point.Timer set to turn off a few minutes after.

I've since upgraded to an Apex controller and simplified it even more.

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