I was wondering if i can add a dottyback or a six line wrasse to my tank if I have 2 clownfish, a 4 line damsel. The tank is a 37 Gallon tall tank. The corals I have are zoas and a goniopora.
the damsel is very aggressive right now, I want a fish to calm down the damsel. Would a dottyback be able to defend itself without attacking my clownfishes?
I would get a more docile fish (some kind of goby or blenny). You already have three damsels in there, adding another aggressive fish might cause some problems.
If you add a peaceful fish to that setup it will be shreaded by both the damsle and the clowns. They think they own the pace by now. There is a preferred order in which to add fish to reduce this problem. In this case your best bet is to redo the rockwork when you add a new fish and maybe that will make them all think they are in a new place. If that doesn't work you will have to decide which fish to get rid of.