For Sale or Trade: Flower Pot Coral (
Green and tan in color. Fully closed is about the size of a baseball. Fully open the size of a very large grapefruit to small volleyball. Has flourished in our tank for two or more months, but the recent introduction of an anemone has caused it to not open as much as before. We are trying to find a new home for it before any adverse effects set in.
Research indicates that established tank with good lighting and lots of micro-plankton recommended. Looking to trade for a low-maintenance, colorful coral, or best offer.
Email [email protected].
Green and tan in color. Fully closed is about the size of a baseball. Fully open the size of a very large grapefruit to small volleyball. Has flourished in our tank for two or more months, but the recent introduction of an anemone has caused it to not open as much as before. We are trying to find a new home for it before any adverse effects set in.
Research indicates that established tank with good lighting and lots of micro-plankton recommended. Looking to trade for a low-maintenance, colorful coral, or best offer.
Email [email protected].