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I have a Rose BTA for sale in Brooklyn, NY. It's about 6" in diameter. It's been under flourescent lighting (T5s and PCs) pretty low in the tank so it will do fine under enough flourescents. I'm looking for a trade (or good cash offer). My tank is mixed so I'm not looking for anything in particular, although a nice sized red lobo brain would be nice. E-mail me if interested at stixownzyou@aol.com


Would be interested if at a good price.
How much do you want for it?

The Great Rupert AKA AM

stix, I will trade you 3 souls, and 5 virgins of legal age to transport over state lines. Sound good? I could trow in a 10 gallon tank I'm not using too.

thge following would be fine print if I had that UBB code was avalable...
The souls and virgin's will be of my choice.
The souls will be humans souls.
Also the virgins won't be human since there are no human virgins old enough to cross state lines exept for ones that wouldn't be worth trading for if you intended to cross state lines with them. I mean if you wanted to cross state lines with a virgin you would OVIOUSLY take the to kennywood park in PA. I mean why else would somone leave the tri state area? :rolleyes:


OG Member
New York
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Hey Rupert,

Are you just a total dick or just practicing ? I read some of your posts and you are just useless if not just annoying.

Shut the **** up!

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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pseudo boy, as somone I respect let me just say that I assure you I am kidding. I am glad you came forward and let me know you think i am a "total dick."

I will have to assume you have nothing against Kennywood, which happens to be the greatest amusment park in PA. and when I talk about virgins I am talking about juvenile livstock.

I only made the offer because he said he would take the cash if no one proposed a trade.

Many people think I am only like this on the internet, because they know about all the really honorable things I do in real life, but the truth is it's just my sence of humor. I sent a copy of my post that was removed to a friend of mine who is the daughter of a very famous austrian socialist and she loved it. Purhaps Oi am impared because I find very little offensive especaly when compared to national policy. I'd really enjoy corresponding privatly with you to talk about specific problems you have with my posts. I would really like to understand more than the fact that you feel I am a "dick" and I'd also like you to understand a little more about me.

for instance you might thinjk a crazy young guy like me woukld be partying friday and saturday night. well I'm not. I am going to the ballet on friday and on saturday I am going to be an apraiser at a regonal Destination Imagination tournement. I will have to wake up earlier than on a weekday and (5am) and work till the sun goes down.

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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by the way I was absolutly serious about respecting you. I have read posts of yours going back to when I was getting into the hobby and I beleive we may have even corresponded via email or PM.

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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Sorry, that's why I said that I would like to continue in private. Also that is why I didn't flame back.

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