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Hi MR,

I have this rbta its about 3", and its attached to a very nice tonga branch. I am looking to trade it with a rbta that doesnt bubble ( i love the long tentacle look) .if you have something and would like a smaller one,
i would love to trade it including the tonga branch. Hopefully the size of yours is 5" and up no need for rock just the anemone.


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There's no way to guarantee what bubble tip will look like in your tank until its in there. It could have the look you're going for in someone else's tank and then bubble up in yours. Mine I had in my 65 looked like yours when I got it and then like the one you want after a while.

Good luck finding what you want.


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I have these kinds of anemone for a while.. Its just.. It looks so small when it bubbles. The first anemone i have doesnt bubble and has long tentacle.. Decided to get rid of it because it stung lots of my corals. But now i have fish only with live rock, i think i can handle it.

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