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\/\/h47 @ n00b !!!
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Currently up and running. SELLING COMPLETE ONLY!! Pics tonight. If you decide to take please make sure you bring what you need to transport it and people to help you! I may have more than what i listed. I will update tonight when i get home with pics and more details.

Biocube 29 - Back is modded to fit the skimmer.
Current USA Orbit Marine LED Saltwater Reef Lighting System
Extra Current USA TrueLumen Pro LED Striplights (2 - 12k & 2 - deep water blue)
Almost full bucket of salt
50+ lbs of live rock in the tank
about 20-25 dry rock
Water test kit (nothing special)
jebao wave maker wp-10 (acting buggy so i swapped it out not 100% sure if working)
2-3 extra pumps (ill have sizes tonight)
Stainless steel aquatic plant tweezer kit
Extra Tubing
Holdfast Epoxy Stick
Current Truelumen inline dimmer
Aqualife 115 Mini Internal Skimmer
Biocube 29 Media Basket from InTank
50 watt heater
40+lbs. Live Sand
4 stage rodi

1- Clown Fish (hosting a rock anemone)
1- Sixline Wrasse
1 - Red firefish (loves to hide)
1 - Cleaner Shrimp
3-4 Turbo snails (i think)
3-4 red hermits
Birds Nest
Pumping zenias
Rose anemone (i believe if someone can correct me please do)
Random zoa's
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