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Advanced Reefer
kings park
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Don?t know why we don?t learn

Some animals are actually rare or hard to collect and deserve a high price.

Clownfish Breed every 2 weeks

I don?t mind paying 50-100 for a nice clown but if we stop paying these crazy prices people would stop selling them at these prices

I saw a zoa poly the other day for 1000 a head. Come on

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I don?t mind paying 50-100 for a nice clown but if we stop paying these crazy prices people would stop selling them at these prices

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Couldn't agree more. It would be unheard of for people to cover their costs and still make a modest 10% or 15% profit...but instead they gotta try to get as much out of a buyer as they can. Demands gonna drive that price up..and as long as theirs a person willing to dish out the money, the price will stay high.

Nice product, but not worth the price.


Advanced Reefer
New York
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Definitely want a pair for my clown tank! Thanks for letting me know the current price tag. Last lfs wanted $700 for pair...I walked away. I think they are an awesome designer clownfish.

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Advanced Reefer
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As with anything the price on something when it first comes out is high. I also collect boa constrictors. When a new morph comes out it is extremely expensive then within a few years it comes down. There are people who pay way above sticker price for the new hot model of certain cars. Then after 6 months dealerships have plenty and will make deals. It?s the same in this hobby. Supply and demand. Guys always complain about pricing. It?s a free market you don?t have to buy anything you feel is over priced.


Advanced Reefer
kings park
Rating - 96.9%
126   4   0
No one is complaining. Just wondering why you pay extra for something that you know isn?t worth it

Yes I remember why albino boss where worth a lot.

Damn I am old think that was over 20 years ago

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Experienced Reefer
New York
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Check em out already. Call ahead to be sure the storms are in stock. Picked up a small mocha storm to replace a male I lost recently and he's doing great. Also got a small ORA Derasa. Was worried about the size but man, the clam's doing better than everything else in the tank a week later.

John's not like other LFS'. It's like forum pricing & willingness to work with you (that doesn't mean trying to lowball them) on coral but in a LFS setting. Livestock's hit or miss outside of the storms but man, they have the best selection of frags and mini colonies in the area.

Recently picked up some higher end zoas for insane prices and he even cut a monti mini colony in half for me because I would've gone over budget for the whole thing.

What LFS near the city can you say will do that?

Just fckin go.

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Pop Corals

Advanced Reefer
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Thanks for the shot out. Storms are all in stock and ready to find a home. Corals are overflowing and your chance to get great deals. We try our best to keep our corals and fish as healthy and affordable to everyone.


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