For sale :
Elos 120xl tank (needs right front reseal) with Elos stand and Elos 4000 sumo $300.
Elos ps 2000 protein skimmer $200.
Elos MH 2x 250 de light fixture with ice cap ballast and 2 month used bulbs in fixture and 2 new in the box Xm 20,000k bulbs $150.
Reef dynamics 250 bio pellet reactor with eheim pump $175.
Elos 120xl tank (needs right front reseal) with Elos stand and Elos 4000 sumo $300.
Elos ps 2000 protein skimmer $200.
Elos MH 2x 250 de light fixture with ice cap ballast and 2 month used bulbs in fixture and 2 new in the box Xm 20,000k bulbs $150.
Reef dynamics 250 bio pellet reactor with eheim pump $175.