Hey Marrone I am new to nanoreefing and have a pretty nekkid 10g and would love to get a frag.
Please E-mail me with details [email protected]
Thanks.This will be my fourth peice if I can get one.
Sorry none are left as a matter of fact I lost the whole colony I should have frag it sooner and placed it in my tank. The pink/purple ones started to die first and the greens went last.
With the pink birds nest I got it in my tank and need to frag it as it's to large.
Yeah I got the whole thing, still haven't frag it yet. I got one frag, glued to a rock, right now. I going to frag some of the colony as it's to large for my tank, but I kept putting it off. Today is going to be the day as I moved around some corals and put in a large yellow Pagoda yesterday. Let me know if you want a frag and just tell me when you want to come by.
LOL no they didnt tow it.Hehe and yeah the frags are doing good ,and much to my surprise this mornig guess what opened up and had full 1/2 inch polyp extension.I have a buddy of mine with alot of that encrusting pink with white dot stuff on it also and he beleives it to be a star polyp of some sort.Looking at the polyps it sure does resemble it anyhow it is great thanks