Lost my tank yesterday due to leak so I’m shutting it down. Pickup is at Town Hall in Wyckoff, NJ 07481. Livestock first then equipment. Will add to this post if/when I can.
***tank was on cruise control for past few years and I haven’t bought anything recently or had time to really research pricing. Scrambling here and rushing through this on no sleep so If something feels off and you can show me similar posts with different pricing we can work it out.
Everything is stressed and I can’t get to the area where the light is so just a few pictures from iPhone with Polyplab filters and blue flashlight.
**Updated. Sorry but I was flooded with messages so if you see something you asked about I will still honor the order I received the requests just message me again.
Tequila Sunrise Monti Cap 5" $50
Jason Fox Tyree Setting Sun Cap 3” (stressed as it was out of the water a bit) $50
Jason Fox Tyree Setting Sun Cap (1”) $20
Breeding mated pair of oscellaris clownfish $50
***tank was on cruise control for past few years and I haven’t bought anything recently or had time to really research pricing. Scrambling here and rushing through this on no sleep so If something feels off and you can show me similar posts with different pricing we can work it out.
Everything is stressed and I can’t get to the area where the light is so just a few pictures from iPhone with Polyplab filters and blue flashlight.
**Updated. Sorry but I was flooded with messages so if you see something you asked about I will still honor the order I received the requests just message me again.
Tequila Sunrise Monti Cap 5" $50
Jason Fox Tyree Setting Sun Cap 3” (stressed as it was out of the water a bit) $50
Jason Fox Tyree Setting Sun Cap (1”) $20
Breeding mated pair of oscellaris clownfish $50

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