Getting out for a bit. Tank has been up for about 6 years now. All gear is listed below.
Tank: SCA 150G w/ custom espresso 5 door stand. (3 front dooor, 1 door on each side)
Sump: SCA w/ Theiling roller mat
Pump: Ecotech Vectra M2
Control: Neptune Apex w/ 2 EB832 (1 brand new never used) , DOS, ATK V2
Powerhead: Ecotech MP40QD
Skimmer: Skimz Monzter SM202
UV: Pentair 40w
10g Trigger ATO res
Lighting: Aquatic life 61" hybrid T5 w/ kessil 360
Mixing Station:
2x 30g w/ pan world external pump to mix and pump water up from basement
Other odds and ends.
Asking $3200
Tank: SCA 150G w/ custom espresso 5 door stand. (3 front dooor, 1 door on each side)

150 Gallon Starfire Tank with Center Overflow 60x24x24'' 12mm
Pump: Ecotech Vectra M2
Control: Neptune Apex w/ 2 EB832 (1 brand new never used) , DOS, ATK V2
Powerhead: Ecotech MP40QD
Skimmer: Skimz Monzter SM202

Skimz Monzter SM202 External Protein Skimmer
The Skimz E-Series SM202 External Protein Skimmer gives you high performance skimming at a great value. Features: Integrated cylindrical and cone shape chambers help reduce bubble bursting and surface agitation Bubble Plate Design - reduces turbulence Maximum air flow capacity in compact...

UV: Pentair 40w

Smart UV Sterilizer 40 Watt
Emperor Aquatics is now Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems. Why does BRS recommend this? When it comes to UV most other companies will recommend a small UV for a large tank which in reality won’t do much more than make your water look a bit clearer. If your ultimate goal is to keep bacteria...

10g Trigger ATO res
Lighting: Aquatic life 61" hybrid T5 w/ kessil 360
Mixing Station:
2x 30g w/ pan world external pump to mix and pump water up from basement
Other odds and ends.
Asking $3200