- Location
- Queen / nyc
Mushroom, located bayside, can also meetup in the city
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Rainbow RicordeaInterested what type of mushroom is that for 16$??
Welcome. Happy to hearMushrooms opened up and looks great! Thanks @darkrage for meeting up with me.
Do you have a new batch?Bump
Working on new patch, should have photo by wed. It would be a Blue discosoma , lava lamp, ironman, green rhodactis, Cheetah print, gold dot discosoma, blue dot discosomaDo you have a new batch?
Interest in your new batch. LMK if you have the pics readyWorking on new patch, should have photo by wed. It would be a Blue discosoma , lava lamp, ironman, green rhodactis, Cheetah print, gold dot discosoma, blue dot discosoma
New batch, individual priceInterest in your new batch. LMK if you have the pics ready
location?New batch, individual price
Located in Bayside, city on weekdayslocation?