I agree with wedfr. Why will people go to places like fish town, pay $4 per pound for live rock thats is partially cured and brown and think they're getting a deal? Most places that have quality live rock sell between 5-7 dollars per pound.
Everyone is entitled to thier opinion but the guy is offering rock with lots of zoo's + frags as extras. I just don't understand why we must cut each others throats here.
I also dont see a need to keep things private. What are we hiding?...the price you pay for livestock or low ball offers? We all know it's an expensive hobby. I don't think it's getting too personal to know that you spent $100 for an acro, or $50 for zoo's, or $5 for rock...etc.
At $5 per pound with all the zoo's and frags etc., I don't think he'll have a tough time selling the rock. I don't mean to offend anyone on this board. In fact, I think the majority of you are really great guys. There are cheapos here though
I routinely state "no PM's for all you cheapos" in most of my selling threads simply because I hate to respond to very low offers on some quality S***. It's actually quite insulting
Had to get that off my chest
Everyone is entitled to thier opinion but the guy is offering rock with lots of zoo's + frags as extras. I just don't understand why we must cut each others throats here.
I also dont see a need to keep things private. What are we hiding?...the price you pay for livestock or low ball offers? We all know it's an expensive hobby. I don't think it's getting too personal to know that you spent $100 for an acro, or $50 for zoo's, or $5 for rock...etc.
At $5 per pound with all the zoo's and frags etc., I don't think he'll have a tough time selling the rock. I don't mean to offend anyone on this board. In fact, I think the majority of you are really great guys. There are cheapos here though
Had to get that off my chest