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I have a Red Sea Max nano 20 AIO comes with white stand with no blemishes, mesh lid, light, Red Sea reef wave 25 power head which you can control with the Red Sea app costs $319, has all original parts, 2 brand new in box filter socks, couple extras original light and I am throwing in an external ATO as well. Tank was ran for only 6 months then I moved and never set it up just been sitting asking $900. I also have a 75gpd RODI system 4 stage system from bulk reef supply and I also have an Ai Hydra 27HD in black with bracket if interested I was planning on keeping but according to Red Sea it is the perfect light for the tank they even have pre set par reading does the Ai I was planning on keeping them or selling them separate but if interested I’d sell them for a few extra bucks if you buy the whole set up.

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In Westchester, if I had my car I’d say anywhere but I just got in an accident, another reason I’d like to let it go now. I am off tomorrow and will be home would love for someone to pick it up I will hook them up, I used to run a store and do maintenance.

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Brooklyn ny
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After an hour drive, I bought this tank. Stand had a big chunk missing out of it which he failed to mention. Oops, sorry. Was told it had filter socks, had to turn back the car for those since they were “apparently” forgotten. Oops again. Now after unboxing the tank back at home, the magnet to mount the wave maker to the tank is missing. I understand I bare some responsibility but I’m also a new reefer so diddnt know all pieces that were necessary. Oops. Another mistake that costs him nothing. He tells me he “hooked me up” with free stuff.. which I paid him for and he still failed to give me. Opps hopefully for the final time. No responsibility taken.

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This guy made me leave work early and rush home to take the tank and texts me cursing me out the next day because a magnet is missing while I’m at work, I probably have it at home but didn’t even ask just cursed me out low balled me must be on drugs. Mods please close and watch out for this buyer. Guy is very demanding and pushy wouldn’t even give me cash.

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