- Location
- Oyster Bay L.I.
Have a few things left to sell before shutting it down.
Pick up only in oyster bay 11732. No trades
- Joe
718 757-7112
Godzilla mushroom 250
Chalice #1 Completely covering a 2"
tile $125
Chalice #2 $30
Green goblin anacropora? $5
? Don't remember what this is. $5 each piece
Gold coral $5 each
Bigger piece of gold coral $10
Colorado sunburst anemone around 3" or so SOLD
Chicago sunburst anemone One smaller for $80 One bigger for 110 Big one is SOLD
Chalice chunks. Similar to but NOT raja rampage. Eyes are bigger and more orange. $20 each
Pick up only in oyster bay 11732. No trades
- Joe
718 757-7112
Godzilla mushroom 250
Chalice #1 Completely covering a 2"
tile $125
Chalice #2 $30
Green goblin anacropora? $5
? Don't remember what this is. $5 each piece
Gold coral $5 each
Bigger piece of gold coral $10
Colorado sunburst anemone around 3" or so SOLD
Chicago sunburst anemone One smaller for $80 One bigger for 110 Big one is SOLD
Chalice chunks. Similar to but NOT raja rampage. Eyes are bigger and more orange. $20 each
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