- Location
- Manhattan UWS
TAKE ALL 6 FISH FOR $100 OR BEST OFFER. COME AND GET 'EM. PICK UP BY 12/19. I'm breaking down my tank and taking a break from the hobby. Not looking to part them out.
1 Tang (Ctenochaetus Cyanocheilus)
3 Blue Green Chromis
1 Orange Banded Prawn Goby
1 Royal Gramma
I've had this tang for 5-6 years now. In the tank it looks very dark brown/black with a slightly yellowish tail. The pictures where it looks very light were taken moments after it was captured. Pick-up on the upper west side.
1 Tang (Ctenochaetus Cyanocheilus)
3 Blue Green Chromis
1 Orange Banded Prawn Goby
1 Royal Gramma
I've had this tang for 5-6 years now. In the tank it looks very dark brown/black with a slightly yellowish tail. The pictures where it looks very light were taken moments after it was captured. Pick-up on the upper west side.

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