While Vic is waiting on his password to be re isued he wanted me to post a few frags that he had for sale
LEATHERS- Cabbage leather, Finger leather singulariea and a rare florecent green nepthea LPS- frog spawn candy cane
SPS- purple montipora digi and orange, green w/purple rim cap Vic mentioned that there are a lot of other corals that he would be willing to frag. Vic is a class act and his stuff is all prime. contact him via E mail NEWCREATIONVIC@aol.com (Go check out his tank)
LEATHERS- Cabbage leather, Finger leather singulariea and a rare florecent green nepthea LPS- frog spawn candy cane
SPS- purple montipora digi and orange, green w/purple rim cap Vic mentioned that there are a lot of other corals that he would be willing to frag. Vic is a class act and his stuff is all prime. contact him via E mail NEWCREATIONVIC@aol.com (Go check out his tank)