You may want to check ebay as there is a seller who sells ones that are not perfect or have been repaired. The repaires are usally minor and don't have any impact on the skimmer itself. You can actually get some good deals.
The seller is located in San Diego, which is where the company that makes the Remora's skimmer is located. So he probably buying their damaged items and fixing them or buying skimmers that have been returned.
Or how about you get mine and take a short drive to jersey (union county) and save on shipping as well as not buying new Need I mention the "Have it now" smile that comes with not waiting a week for something?
LoL...i have an AquaC Remora w/ maxijet used for 4 mths...everything is working great no cracks, no blemishes. I am getting a friends euro-reef $$$$$ and dont need this skimmer anymore..$125 and its yours