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Missy Johnson

Masta of Disasta
Upper East Side
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Hello - we have the most beautiful blue spiny lobster in our 120 gal reef tank. He's been with us for about 2 years now and has grown from about an inch to 7 and will probably grow up to a foot. We also had had a gorgeous 9 inch Volitan and 2 fuzzy dwarfs. They were all doing very well until the lobster grew bigger and became agressive. We believe him to be the culprit of their deaths. (He doesn't have claws but anything that hovers near rocks like lionfish are very easy for him to grab). We want to find a new good home for him with someone that will love him as much as we do. He is 'reef safe' to the point where he doesn't eat corals but he will rearrange your small rocks. He does like to eat snails and I've seen him tear apart a sandsifting star. Gobies are too quick for him. Anyone out there interested?


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Right by the GWB
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Sounds like an evil little guy


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Fair Lawn, NJ
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Evil? Thats nothing compared to the Hermit crab we have living in the 40 gallon sump. If only I could talk Missy into giving him up the sump could be more of a refuge tank.

[ October 22, 2004, 03:22 PM: Message edited by: Hitsnorth ]

Missy Johnson

Masta of Disasta
Upper East Side
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NO! We will not entertain ideas of cooking him for dinner!!! He is a great guy and gets along with our clowns/cardinal/damsels/gobies/linkias/hawkfish and hermit crabs. The lions just 'hovered' too much for him and made an easy target. We'd like to get more lions but not until we find a new home for Spiney. He will get ahold of them as well as sandsifting stars and tube worms. He isn't 'agressive' towards other fish - because he can't catch them. We have over 100 lbs of rocks and that gives him a good way to climb all over the tank and boy is he fast. He would be ideal for a reef tank without a lot of little rocks to 'rearrange' or any fish tank without rocks piled all the way to the top.

As for Hermie our hermit crab - he is the man in charge of our 40 gallon sump and will probably outlive both of us. He has consumed $50 'meals' in front of our very eyes. A truly amazing guy.


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Fair Lawn, NJ
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He would be perfect for someone with nothing for him to knock over(clumsy with small corals). Or any fish who like to hang out(Lionfish). I have liverock stacked from top to bottom on my tank so he can basically get anywhere in the tank. He wasnt aggresive when he was smaller.



[ October 30, 2004, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: Hitsnorth ]


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Fair Lawn, NJ
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Ok he killed my last lionfish. Woke up this morning and there he was with the damn lionfish in his mouth. SOMEBODY TAKE HIM PLEASE!!!!! He is really a cool lobster he comes out in the front. But if you have rocks from top to bottom in your tank hes not for you.. Would be perfect in a fish only tank that didnt have a lot of live rock. Hes a great scavenger(You drop something in the tank hes all over trying to get to it!) but I love my lionfish and this guys gotta go!


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i would take it but he might kill my fish 2...i do have a 10G with damels.......n i dont think that would be good enough 4 him..lol


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Fair Lawn, NJ
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10 gallon is definately too small for him. His antenae stick out about a foot I think.. When he was small it was really funny watching him walk because his antenae would kinda knock him over.

He has only gone after my lionfish because they sit there and dont get frightened off when the lobster goes after them. And then it is too late. Certainly he isnt going to catch a damsel. The gobies dont get bother by him either and they are right next to him(and much smaller then my lionfish).

Missy Johnson

Masta of Disasta
Upper East Side
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Found a home for Spiney - New World Aquarium in Manhattan is going to take him and find him a 'tough' tank. For the record....we do not know that he 'killed' our 3 lionfish - as he is the best of scavengers he was caught red-handed devouring their carcasses. I am going to miss him...he is really beautiful and has alot of personality (and we've watched him grow from a baby over 2 years) :(


Senior Member
Fair Lawn, NJ
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He still hasnt finished eating my lionfish so I cant even catch him to get rid of him.. Hes not coming out of his little cave until that lionfish is gone.

I thought lionfish were venemous! Why cant that poison kill that damn lobster!!! Some protection that is!

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