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I concur. Thanks for everything Ken. Reading through the boards, I've noticed that this Southdown stuff is hard to come by; and the cup of sand was full life...thanks a million. I must admit though, you don't live in the most accessible place in the world. I got seriously lost in that maze of low lighting and non-existent signs. I really have no idea how I finally made it out that labyrinth; but I did, and set everything up. Looked like mud when I was done at about 3am, but it was cleared up by morning. Can't wait to get home and just stare and some weird shaped rocks. Go figure. I think this is the start to a long road of time invested in this hobby.


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Hey XTra, thanks a lot for the hook up. I dropped the sand in and added some more SouthDown. As graceful as I tried to drop the sand in, the tank still looked like a mess; but it cleared up by morning. Also, that rock you gave me with whatever was sticking out of it, opened up. Looks pretty nice considering everything in my tank is pretty boring...for now. Huge shout out to Ken and Xtra for giving me a great start. I owe you guys. Thanks a lot!!!


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Thanks man. Let me know and I'll head over there in a flash. I looked up what an Athelia is, and I must say it looks pretty hott (considering all I really have in there is some rock and a boring fish swiming around). Your tupper thing is well and safe; I'll make sure to bring it. Let me know when's the best time for me to swing by.
Thanks a lot.


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